Biting the bullet and move to hawaii
Biting the bullet and move to hawaii

biting the bullet and move to hawaii

If you’re a senior leader at a company and this post happened to make its way into your inbox somehow, maybe those statistics didn’t move you. Thankfully, you’re not one of those people. In the most extreme cases, workplace bullying can even lead to suicide. Some of these symptoms included, hypertension, sleeplessness, ulcers, severe mood swings, debilitating anxiety, panic attacks, clinical depression, migraine headaches, relapse of previously controlled addictions, even post traumatic stress disorder.Īgain, that’s a lot of people whose health has been affected by workplace bullying–maybe you’re one of those people too.


63% of workplace bullying victims saw a mental health professional for their work-related symptoms. In a separate study, 71% of the respondents who were bullied at work were treated by a physician for work-related symptoms. Here are some more disturbing stats to chew on: That’s a lot of people whose lives have been affected by workplace bullying -maybe you’re one of those people.

biting the bullet and move to hawaii biting the bullet and move to hawaii

That’s equivalent to the combined population of 15 U.S. workers are affected by workplace bullying. Workplace Bullying Survey, 65 million U.S. There is an urgent need for this madness to stop. Some of the more passive-aggressive and lesser known bullying examples include, but are not limited to: purposeful exclusion from team meetings/activities, consistently taking credit for your work, sabotaging your work, overloading you with work or taking away all of your work, purposely withholding information from you, and spreading false rumors and gossiping. Bullying at work isn’t all about belligerent yelling and screaming. Unfortunately, there’s much more to workplace bullying than merely the obvious stuff. This is usually done by using intimidation, humiliation, and constant criticism (and no, I’m not talking about the “constructive” kind) to demean you and your work. The Urgent Call to End Workplace Bullyingįor the sake of simplicity, a workplace bully is basically anyone who makes your work life a living hell by contributing to, or creating, a hostile work environment. There’s a lot to dive into, so let’s get to it. In other words, it’s time for us to be the heroes in our own workplace story.įair warning, this isn’t going to be easy–but then again, this isn’t about doing what’s “easy.” The future of the workplace as we know it depends on all of us taking control of our work lives and eradicating workplace bullies starting today. People have suffered for far too long at the hands of these sociopaths, and I’m calling for it to end now.Īnd just like anything, it all begins with you. I’m dead serious about making this happen. This may sound ambitious, but my goal is that this post will mark the beginning of the end of bullying in the workplace. Specifically, I’m talking about workplace bullies.īullying in the workplace has reached near-epidemic status, and it’s time that we put an end to this behavior once and for all. Keep reading and I’ll explain exactly why.īullying in any form is unquestionably terrible, but I want to focus on a form of bullying that doesn’t always get the attention that it deserves. I know, I know…”hate” isn’t the most positive word in the world, and it’s not one that I throw around loosely, but I can’t think of a word that describes my feelings for bullies more accurately than hate. If you don’t think that Workplace Bullying is “a thing,” just read the comments below for a serious wake-up call. And because of this, I’m taking the next step to bringing attention to (and ideally, ending) this soul-destroying issue, with my debut book, Making Work Work. Workplace bullying is destroying lives, and it’s time for us to put a stop to it. Shola’s Note: October is National Bullying Awareness month, and I am ready to shine as bright of a light as I can on this hideous epidemic this month, and beyond. This is NOT the guy who you want to spend 40 hours a week with.

Biting the bullet and move to hawaii